Build a Bridge
About the Build a Bridge Program
The Build a Bridge program is a program developed by the South Atlantic Affiliate of NACURH (SAACURH), designed to encourage individual institutions’ Residence Hall Associations (RHAs) or equivalent and NRHH Chapters to connect, engage, and collaborate with each other and within their region.
If you do not have both an RHA and an NRHH on your campus, reach out to gl_adnrhh@nacurh.org to create a Build a Bridge Program that fits you and your campus!
The program consists of the following three (3) categories, each of which contains seven (7) tasks to complete for points. The completion of a task earns three (3) polar points, the completion of a category earns fifteen (15) polar points, and the completion of the program earns fifty (50) polar points.
1. Teaching the Cubs | Communication
2. Leading the Lakes | Collaboration
3. Exploring the Tundra | Regional Involvement